DK's Moves
DK's Moves

Move Buttons Damage
Punch A 4%
One-Two Punch A, A 8%
Right Hook Forward, A 13%
Swat Up, A 13%
Low Swat Down, A 8%
Smash Attack Forward + A 21%
Hand Clap Up + A 21%
Split Kick Down + A 19%
Whirl Punch Jump, then A 12%
Fist Smash Jump, then Forward + A 16%
Feet Stomp Jump, then Down + A 13%
Elbow Smash Jump, then Back + A 10%
Dash Kick Run + A 12%
Wind-up Punch B to Charge, then A or B 36%
Evade B, Forward or Back None
Ground Slap Down + B 10%
Helicopter Punch Up + B 12%
Carry and Throw R to Carry, then any Button 8%
Over the Shoulder Toss R to Grab, then Back 18%
"I don't know" L Button None