Link's Moves
Link's Moves

Move Buttons Damage
Sword Swipe A 5%
Slash A, A, A, A . . . 1% / Hit
Forward Slash Forward, A 18%
Upward Slash Up, A 15%
Low Cut Down, A 12%
Smash Attack Forward + A 20%
Triple Hit Up + A 24%
Double Low Cut Down + A 16%
Mid-air Kick Jump, then A 10%
Mid-air Slice Jump, then Forward + A 20%
Down Stab Jump, then Down + A 18%
Double Kick Jump, then Back + A 20%
Running Hit Run + A 14%
Boomerang B 9% (8% on Return)
Bomb Down + B, then A or B to Throw 8% (Consistently)
Sword Swing Up + B 21%
Hookshot R to Grab, then any Button 14%
Spear and Back Kick R to Grab, then Back 16%
Pose L Button None